Monday, July 6, 2015


In the light they've stolen, 
the curtains weep
with loose threads that 
catch the sun 
in dusty strands; and the women scream silent words 
into the mouths of many telephones, 
which wreak the pain 
of grasping sustenance each day. 

I saw you losing bones in May, 
when the many honorable classes
clasped hands with gray stoic ash
As they left the buildings, 
the sun was raw 
and faced the earth with 
degenerate seasoning. 
Like late noon flesh. 
And the mothers weeped 
into telephones
like the paper bones, that hid
the light they stole. 

The collision of many individual 
photons was a mere flash 
of camera lenses 
capturing the fallen strands 
of dust and bones
Identifying, rectifying 
The light they stole 
was no longer 

It's something fake, 
It's hidden in your fireplace,
I spit it out and simmered 
the life within that could not bend
{Oh the holy animal}
Pulling forest from the sun
And hidden in a stolen letter, lost...
Liven up, said the silly women. 
The darkness is 
pulled up like covers
and searches the narrow precipice 
for more light to win. 

Searching for the days
when life could not begin. 

~ Breezy 

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